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Tired of Rising Group Benefits Costs?

Find out how to reduce these costs.

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Tool Kit

Find out how to cut costs & maintain the insurance you need.

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Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance

Empowering you to lower insurance costs and improve coverage benefits

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Save 10% to 60% on Premiums

Without changing agents or carriers -we never become your agent.

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Tired of Rising Group Benefits Costs?

Find out how to reduce these costs.

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Tool Kid

Find out how to cut costs & maintain the insurance you need.

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Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance

Empowering you to lower insurance costs and improve coverage benefits

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Save 10% to 60% on Premiums

Without changing agents or carriers - we never become your agent.

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Save Money & Improve Coverage

Our cost-savings methodology finds you better coverage for lower business insurance premiums. We can make it happen in under two hours of your time.

RateCraft utilized a proprietary methodology to reduce our overall insurance costs by 18.8% in 2019/2020 plan year.

Manufacturing Company

RateCraft utilized proprietary project methodology to reduce our overall insurance costs by 28.3% in 2017 and 2018.

Trade School

Our Process


RateCraft answers your questions and reviews your current business insurance premium. We can make a substantial difference for 98% of the businesses we review. You review our simple contract and decide if you wish to engage our services.

Data Collection

We gain access to all your existing business insurance policies and other data electronically. Usually, there will be 10 minutes of follow-up phone time or email communication to answer any questions the insurance carrier might have.


We review your policy, then work with our benchmarking team and network of business insurance providers to obtain quotes from all markets, including your existing agent. We negotiate on your behalf to get the most coverage benefits for the smallest premium cost.


In a 30-minute meeting, we present our results and celebrate your savings! We discuss strategy for selecting the best quote or use that quote as leverage for your existing carrier. We finalize the transaction, and you take advantage of new savings.

There are four secrets the insurance industry doesn’t want you to know:

Covid-19 is changing the landscape of business insurance.

RateCraft Homepage Who We Are

Who We Are

RateCraft is the nationwide leader in business insurance advocacy. That means we do not represent insurance companies or agents, and we do not sell insurance. Instead, we work solely with you, the business, to ensure that you are getting the best rates with the same (or even better) business insurance coverage through our proven negotiation tactics with your existing carrier.

What We Do

At RateCraft, we are industry-expert consultants who live, eat and breathe business insurance every day, 24/7/365. We use that expertise to get you better business insurance coverage at a lower cost, and our results speak to our success: over 1,200 optimized projects, well over $20 million in saved premiums over 20 years as an industry leader. 

RateCraft Homepage What You Save
RateCraft Homepage What We Do

What You Save

The fact is, the insurance sales network is stacked against you as the buyer. We’re in the business of leveling the playing field by negotiating on your behalf. Our average savings per business is 35%, and we’ve even saved clients as much as 74% on business insurance costs.

Our Success Stories Include

RateCraft Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance
RateCraft Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance
RateCraft Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance
RateCraft Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance RateCraft Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance
RateCraft Consumer Advocates for Business Insurance

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